
Techno-Z Verbund GmbH
Schillerstraße 30
A-5020 Salzburg
Telefon: +43 662 45 48 88 110
CEO: Werner Pfeiffenberger

Companies Register no.: 71899 i
Companies Register court: Landesgericht Salzburg
Legal form: Company with limited liability

Austrian data processing register: DVR 550884
VAT ID no.: ATU37686900
Chamber affiliation and membership: Salzburg Chamber of Commerce

Website Production and CMS: Adiwidjaja Teamworks GmbH
Website Design: Linie 3

Concept: Techno-Z Verbund GmbH
Content creation: Monika Sturmer
Image rights, Photography: Techno-Z, Konrad Fersterer, Salzburg Tourismus, Peter Schlager 
